Climate and Energy Outlook 2022 (KEV)
- Netherlands 2030
- Last updated
This scenario is based on the Climate and Energy Outlook 2022 ‘KEV’ (PBL, TNO, CBS and RIVM).
The KEV 2022 has been translated into the ETM based on the KEV publication, the KEV documentation (tables and graphs) and additional information provided by PBL. The following steps were applied:
The final demand per carrier and per sector from the KEV (available in the Energy Balance 2019) has been compared with the starting situation from 2019 in the ETM in order to identify differences and make corrections. The KEV results have been translated into assumptions (‘slider settings’) in the ETM to arrive at the final demand per carrier and per sector in 2030. Examples of this are the increase in the number of inhabitants, increase in the number of electric cars or the larger number of hybrid heat pumps. The supply side (wind, sun, etc.) has also been adopted so that at least the amount of MW corresponds to the KEV publication (including the increase in wind and sun).
Due to the differences in scope and definitions, it is not possible to directly compare indicators. The documentation of all assumptions of this ETM scenario can be found here: