100% duurzaam in 2030 met netto import afhankelijkheid 0 en loss of load 0.1%

  • Netherlands 2030
  • Last updated
  • Open scenario

Poging 5 voor Urgenda. Twee foutieve inputs verwijderd.

Op basis van WattNu 2013 aangepast all electric met anders biomassa. En volgende aanpassingen 1. Climate +0.5C 2. Isolatie oude huizen op 3rc 3. Isolatie gebouwen op 3rc 4. Efficiency improvement industrie warmte en elektriciteit naar 2%/jaar 5. Effciency other metals 2% per jaar 6. Demand growth other -2% per jaar 7. CO2 prijs 1250% 67 euro per ton, geen vrije rechten 8. Wind offshore -40% 9. Micro CHP -40% in kosten en Fuel Cell -50% in kosten Goal functie biofootprint 1, loss of load 0.001, costs 66 miljard en renew 99.9%

This scenario was last updated on March 11, 2013, in an earlier version of the model. The most recent release of the model was on October 1, 2024.
How do updates to the model affect scenarios?
Slider changes
During updates we must sometimes make small changes to the saved settings for some sliders. This is done to ensure that scenario remains compatible with the new version of the model and, whenever possible, that the intentions of the scenario’s author are preserved.
Scenario outcomes may change due to improvements in the model, better quality data, or the addition of new sliders.