II3050 - National governance
- Netherlands 2050
- Last updated
This is a corrected version of the national governance scenario from the Climate Neutral Energy Scenarios 2050 study.
In May 2020, the scenario was updated in accordance with the most recent insights, and the model improvements were implemented.
In the second phase of the Integrated Infrastructure Outlook 2030-2050, the scenarios were examined in more detail and an extensive flex resource analysis was carried out, with input from the sounding board group and experts. This has led to a number of changes, corrections, and improvements in all scenarios. Via the link below you will find a document explaining the changes in the scenarios:
See Aanpassingen klimaatneutrale energiesysteem scenario’s 2050 for more information on the changes made to the scenarios.
More information about the Integral Infrastructure Outlook 2030-2050 can be obtained from Netbeheer Nederland: https://www.netbeheernederland.nl/dossiers/toekomstscenarios-64